Welcome to Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
Our Mission Statement
A society where older people live without fear or risk of abuse and are respected and valued.
Our Vision Statement
APEA will raise community awareness and respond to elder abuse through promotion of intervention and prevention strategies.
Our Objectives
APEA’s mission will be achieved by the following objectives as outlined in the Strategic Plan 2009-2011:
Creating AWARENESS of and PROMOTING APPROPRIATE RESPONSES to issues of elder abuse.
Promoting EDUCATION MATERIAL to key stakeholders (Train the Trainer Regional Education)
Encouraging the development of POLICIES that improve and are BENEFICIAL to the rights of older people.
Foster INTERAGENCY collaboration and PARTNERSHIPS
APEA recognises and responds to the special needs of certain groups including those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, Aboriginal communities, older people with disabilities or dementia and those from rural and remote locations.