Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who can use the services of Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS)? Does
it cost anything?
2. What are my rights and are they different to anyone else’s rights?
3. Advocacy – what does it mean and how does ARAS advocate for older
4. What if the older person has dementia or has had a stroke and can’t make decisions for themselves’, how can you ensure their rights are upheld?
5. Would the advocate speak directly to an alleged abuser?
6. Can ARAS give legal advice?
7. Can I remain anonymous?
Older people’s rights are no different from anyone else’s rights. People do not lose their rights when they turn 65 years.
The South Australian Charter of the Rights and Freedoms of Older People has been endorsed by the Strategy to Safeguard the Rights of Older South Australians and is based on the United Nations Principles for Older Persons (1991) and includes the following:
Dignity and self-determination
Liberty and security of person
Equality and non-discrimination
Standards of living and care
In addition the other Rights and Freedoms of Older People are Privacy and family; Social and economic participation; Freedom of thought, conscience, spirituality, religion and expression.
Older people also have a right to complain as well as a right to an advocate to support them with the complaint process when it comes to receiving aged care services, if they require. Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS) clearly takes the side of the older person whose rights are being breached and ensures that decisions are always made by the older person.